
Prefabricated insulated pipes adopt a new model of factory prefabricated production + on-site modular construction to ensure the stability and consistency of quality. At the same time, compared with the traditional technology of on-site production and laying of insulated pipes, the production methods, product performance, construction operations, etc. are all improved. Improve, effectively improve construction efficiency, shorten the construction cycle and reduce environmental pollution. It is an upgraded product of traditional insulation pipes and represents the development trend of insulation pipe production towards integrated modularization.

Product specification

The company makes full use of the advantages of self-produced calcium silicate insulation materials, mainly prefabricated overhead hard insulation pipes. The new composite insulation structure is divided into soft insulation layer, hard insulation layer, outer insulation layer and outer protection layer. Compared with soft insulation High-quality insulation pipe, better insulation effect and longer service life.


Prefabricated overhead insulation pipe

Product model: DXDG-A, DXDG-B

Scope of application: superheated steam, saturated steam, hot water pipes, etc.

Design temperature: 250℃, 300℃, 350℃, 450℃, 550℃

Design pressure: 1.6MPa, 2.5MPa, 4.0MPa, 6.4MPa, 10MPa

Usage occasions: suitable for overhead insulated pipelines, especially suitable for long-distance heat pipe networks

Core tube specifications: Φ219~Φ1220mm



Prefabricated direct buried steel sleeve steel insulation pipe

Product model: DXDM

Scope of application: superheated steam, saturated steam, hot water pipes, etc.

Design temperature: 250℃, 300℃, 350℃

Design pressure: 1.6MPa, 2.5MPa

Usage occasions: suitable for underground heating pipe network

Core tube specifications: Φ219~Φ1220mm



1. The insulation structure is scientific and reasonable. The working pipe, insulation layer and outer protective layer are closely integrated without any gaps, no thermal convection, no thermal bridges, and no additional heat loss.


2. Made of hard insulation material, it has strong resistance to external damage. The triple composite thermal insulation structure not only has good thermal insulation performance, but also has the physical functions of earthquake resistance, pressure resistance and water repellency. The pipe insulation layer and the outer protective layer are tightly integrated, have good integrity, are waterproof, pressure-resistant, and corrosion-resistant.


3. It is not damaged by external forces. During the product life cycle, there is basically no need for excessive maintenance work, and the operation and maintenance cost is low. The pipeline is rerouted and can be reused, and only the insulation and protection repairs of the interface parts need to be carried out.


4. Prefabricated rigid overhead rigid steam insulation pipes have a solid insulation structure and are not affected by external forces. The thermal insulation performance is long-term and stable, the temperature drop of steam transported over long distances is ≤1.65℃/Km, the pressure drop is ≤0.025MPa/Km, and the designed service life is more than 30 years, truly realizing energy saving, consumption reduction, green and environmental protection and high-quality development.


5. Although the construction cost of prefabricated overhead rigid insulated pipes is about 30% higher than that of prefabricated soft overhead insulated pipes and on-site laid insulated pipes, the temperature drop, pressure drop and other transmission losses of the pipe network are significantly reduced. According to calculations, the increased cost can be recovered within 3 years.

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